by Suzanne Bakker | Jan 31, 2021 | board, call for proposals, human resource management, non-profit management, project basics, project design, setting up, starting your project, team management | Getting Started, Practical Labour Law & HR, Project Design
The past blogs focused on contracting team members. We looked at the difference between hiring an external contractor or employing someone. We looked at important annexes to consider when contracting. In this blog, we will look at the contract itself. What are the...
by Suzanne Bakker | Jan 24, 2021 | board, call for proposals, human resource management, non-profit management, project basics, project design, setting up, starting your project, team management | Getting Started, Practical Labour Law & HR, Project Design
In my previous blog I spoke about contracting labour. Whether to employ someone on your payroll or to hire a self-employed external contractor. The choice of contract type is not purely legal. There are also values involved. What would a good employer do? What suits...
by Suzanne Bakker | Jan 17, 2021 | board, building trust, call for proposals, forming partnerships, fundraising, human resource management, non-profit management, project basics, project design, setting up, starting your project, team management, working with donors | Building Partnerships, Getting Started, Practical Labour Law & HR, Project Design
Once you have found a new team member, you need to think about the kind of arrangements you want to make. You will want to contract them – but how? Are you ready for having the responsibility for an employee? Is this what is needed for the kind of relationship you...
by Suzanne Bakker | Jan 10, 2021 | board, building trust, forming partnerships, fundraising, human resource management, non-profit management, project basics, setting up, starting your project, team management, working with donors | Building Partnerships, Getting Started, Practical Labour Law & HR
At some point (maybe even right now?) you will be looking for a new team member. You may have a new project for which you need extra hands. Or someone may have moved on, and you may need a replacement. Or you are growing as an organization. So that you can add a new...
by Suzanne Bakker | Jan 3, 2021 | board, building trust, call for proposals, forming partnerships, fundraising, human resource management, non-profit management, project basics, project design, setting up, starting your project, team management, working with donors | Building Partnerships, Getting Started, Practical Labour Law & HR, Project Design
As soon as you start hiring staff, you must start preparing for saying goodbye to them, too. Not because you should hire people you want to get rid of straightaway of course. But because saying goodbye is the inevitable consequence of saying hello. At some point you...